Video Segmentation: Part 1

Training Data

This is the second post in a series on deploying a video segmentation app for the Arduino Portenta H7 and Vision Shield. You can read the first post for more information on project motivation, as well as the details for setting up our hardware and software development environments. [Read More]

Video Segmentation: Part 1

Training Data

This is the second post in a series on deploying a video segmentation app for the Arduino Portenta H7 and Vision Shield. You can read the first post for more information on project motivation, as well as the details for setting up our hardware and software development environments. [Read More]

Video Segmentation: Part 0

Getting Started

The past decade has been witness to an explosion in research and development for computer vision. From Alexnet’s modest roots, leveraging gaming GPUs to bump convnet performance on the ImageNet challenge, neural net-based computer vision methods now underly powerful economic engines, and a huge research community has released a host... [Read More]